My Top 10 books I’ve recently added to my TBR

top ten tuesday (1) colored

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday hosted on the Broke and Bookish is about the books I’ve recently added to my TBR! I’m going to cheat a little here, some I’ve recently got and others have been sitting on my TBR shelf for a while now and are just begging to be read.

(Click on the images for the goodreads page.)

Splintered – I’ve had this one for a while now, and let’s be honest it was a total cover buy. But I love fairy tale retellings with a passion, so hopefully I will get to this one very soon.

A Thousand Pieces of You – I picked this one up not too long ago. I was really looking forward to it when it was first coming out and I finally got my hands on it! But I’m a little wary, I’ve heard many mixed things about it. If I end up not liking it at least I have a beautiful cover to flaunt everywhere.

Kiss of Deception- This is another one that I was really excited for when it was being released. Finally I end up buying it and is probably going to be my next read, because I am in a big fantasy kick lately.

Shadow and Bone – Okay, okay. I’ve had this one for months now. I’ve heard so many great things about this series and the author that when I first got it, I was ready to run through it. Although that didn’t happen. But you know what did happen. Me pre-ordering Leigh’s new book Six of Crows. Not entirely sure why I did that because i usually don’t do stuff like that for authors who I haven’t read anything from. So yeah, I REALLY need to get to this one.

Half Bad – Witches. Good. Bad. A sequel that just came out. I couldn’t resist okay.

Serphina – Dragons. I love dragons. But surprisingly I never read a book center around them. What’s wrong with me? So when I saw this, it was a no brainier. It was coming home with moi.


Stolen Songbird – The sequel is coming out soon. (I believe, it might already be out.) And it was only 1.99 as a eBook. It didn’t hurt that I’ve been actually eyeing this one for a while anyways.

Frostbite – I read Vampire Academy last year and enjoyed it quite a bit. So, it was time.

Maybe One Day – I’m not even sure what this is about. But eBook sale… Stop judging. No one has can resist eBook deals.

The Body Electric – Um, I know that this is a Sci-Fi. Pretty much it. It was 99 cents okay! I have no control over my hands when I see a eBook on sale.

Link your TTT for I can it check out! Have you read any of these? What were your thoughts?

18 thoughts on “My Top 10 books I’ve recently added to my TBR

    • Thanks for commenting!
      I really need to get to it. I’ve heard many great things about it. And I really want to collect all three books because those covers! So hopefully I fall in love with Splintered first.


  1. YEs yes, totally do read Half Bad!! It’s one of my favourite books of aaaall time. XD (I’m currently reading Half Wild, actually. And it’s also so good. xD) And Splintered, zomg, you have an amazing list here and I recommend so so many of them.

    (And also your blog is downright gorgeous! I love your header!!)

    Here’s my TTT!


    • Thank you, I really love your blog design too!

      I’m probably going to get to it really soon, because it sounds so interesting and I haven’t read a purely witch book in a long time. So it’s time. Plus, the cover is so shiny that I just want to hug it all day. XD Also thanks for commenting!


  2. I agree, I can’t pass up those ebook deals. I now have more ebooks than I will ever read, all because I can’t pass up those sales. $2.99! or even better $1.99! How can you pass that up?


  3. I loved Shadow and Bone, Half Bad and Seraphina! They’re all fantastic books – I hope you like them too! I also want to read The Kiss of Deception! 😀


  4. I have read Kiss of Deception and while I didn’t like it as much as most people, it was a good read and it was good enough that I am interested to read the sequel when it comes out. Ebook deals are hard to pass up and account for a lot of things just sitting on my Kindle.


    • Oh yay, I haven’t heard too much on Stolen Songbird but majority of what heard has been only good things. And if you get to Kiss of Deception soon, maybe we can buddy read or discuss it!


  5. I just got sent Half Wild by the publishers and I was really excited about it until I remembered that I haven’t read Half Bad yet hahaha needless to say its been pushed higher in my TBR list. Happy readings 🙂


    • Thanks! Pretty all the covers in the Splintered series are flippin’ gorgeous! I’m really excited to read this one. I’m praying I’ll love it because I want the rest of the covers!


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